Conclusion of Analysis
01. 專家型介紹 INTJ- The Scientists
INTJs are the most independent among all types. They are original, analytical,
and determined. Have an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans
of action. Highly value knowledge, competence, and structure. Long-range thinkers.
Have very high standards for their performance, and the performance of others.
Natural leaders, but will follow if they trust existing leaders.
02. 專家型的人格特質- INTJ's Personality Traits
1. 冷靜、邏輯分析、理性 Calm, analytical, logical and rational
2. 能由宏觀的角度來探討事務 See the global, big picture
3. 對自我的表現,設下高度的標準 Have very high standard for performance, which they apply
to themselves most strongly
4. 能由抽象概念裡,建立次序與架構 Driven to create order and structure from theoretical abstractions
5. 喜歡獨立作業 Work best alone and prefer to work alone
03. 優點 Strengths
1. 不害怕衝突或者批評 Not threatened by conflict or criticism
2. 有自信有野心 Self-confident and ambitious
3. 認真看待與他人的關係以及曾允諾的諾言 Take their relationships and commitments seriously
4. 眼光雄遠的策略家 Extremly strategic and long-range thinker
5. 擅長傾聽 Good listeners
04. 缺點 Weaknesses
1.有時不太能體會別人的感受 Not natually in tune with others feeling; may be insensitive
2. 面對衝突時,有時太過理智以至於無法面面俱到解決問題 Tend to respond to conflict with logic and reason,
rather than the desired emotional support
3.不太能接受責難 Tendecy to be unwilling or unable to accept blame
4. 他們的高度要求,有時容易造成他人的負擔 Their constand quest to improve everthing may be taxing
on relationships
5. 不太會表達自己的情感與感受 Not natually good at expressing feelings and affections
05. 職涯規劃建議 Career Plan for INTJ
More so than any other personality type, INTJs are brilliant when it comes to
grasping complex theories and applying them to problems to come up with long-term
strategies. Since this type of "strategizing" is the central focus
and drive of the INTJ, there is a happy match between desire and ability in
this type. Accordingly, the INTJ is happiest and most effective in careers which
allow this type of processing, and which promote an environment in which the
INTJ is given a lot of autonomy over their daily lives.
06. 合適職業 Possible Caree Path for INTJ
1. 工程師、電腦與系統分析工程師 Engineers, Computer Programmer, System Analyst
2. 大學教授或教職人員 Professors and Teachers
3. 策略分析師或企業經營人 Corporate Strategist and Organisation Builders
4. 專業經理人 Business Administrators/ Managers
5. 科學家 Scientist